WordPress blog

Our team of WordPress experts regularly publish WordPress focused articles as well as covering tips and tricks for SEO and digital marketing.

3 ideas to breath new life into your WordPress website

It’s hard to be constantly coming up with new ideas to keep your website fresh, in this 3 part series “breathe new life” we present a new idea in each part that might be worth considering for your project

Take a fresh look at Mailchimp (and your eMail marketing!)

Mailchimp has recently updated its tools to provide better support for mobile devices and new tools for the layout eMail content, read on for more details!

New domains names are here!

It’s been a long time coming but from late 2013 onward somewhere around 1,000 new domain name suffixes will be available, check out this post for a quick update and how it affects you.

WordPress images and thumbnails: learn how to control the crop!

We’ve added a new WordPress plugin to our tool kit, one that will help a lot of DMA users better manage how the images are being displayed in their website. Read this post for the full details.

WordPress training schedule February 2014

We have two WordPress training webinars scheduled that are completely free for DMA clients. This post contains dates, information on what’s available and the registration form.

More than just WordPress Developers?

It’s the new year and time to set down some goals to make the year a successful one. Like many we’ve spent some time over the break doing just this and committed the thoughts to a blog post.

WordPress homework for the Christmas holidays

We have published a lot of material this year to help out clients get more from their WordPress websites. Chances are you’ve not had time to read and act on it all so here’s some homework for you, to fill all of that spare time over the holidays!

Flat design is coming to your WordPress Dashboard

The WordPress development team are aiming to have a new release 3.8 finished by mid December, it’s going to look a bit different. Check out this post for a quick preview.

The humble Meta Description

The meta description gives you direct control over how your web site looks when shown on a search engine result page, here’s how to set it up and tips for writing a good one

Tools we use: Trello – online project management

In our “Tools we use” series we share the various tools that we use here at The DMA. In this post get an quick run down on Trello, a really cool card based project management tool

Analytics Data

Where are my Google keywords?

If you’re actively trying to increase your WordPress site’s visibility on search engines like Google you’ll need to track which keywords are working for you. How you do this has recently changed.

Marketing your location specific business in the digital world

Businesses that operate from a specific location can and should do more to ensure that they’re available when potential customers are trying to find them – read on for my experiences while on a short break last weekend