
We’ve used WordPress since 2008, share our aquired knowledge here! Browse articles here to help you get more from your WordPress website.

WordPress Website Design

WordPress website design is a process of consultation and communication to build a powerful marketing and communication tool. WordPress is the most popular content management system in the world, with 55% market share, and getting the most from this fantastic tool is both an art and a science. In other posts, we have covered the…

WordPress – Not Just For Blogs

WordPress is not just for Blogs! While WordPress started life in May 2003 as an open source blogging platform it quickly outgrew it’s blogging origins to become the most popular Content Management System (or CMS) on the web. At last count, WordPress powered 15% of the world’s largest 1,000,000 websites (and 55% of sites using a…

Converting Your Website to WordPress

Converting your website to WordPress is a great way to gain the benefits of WordPress, and make your existing web presence really work for you. We get a number of enquiries each month from people who want to convert their existing website into a WordPress website.  They may have read about some of the benefits,…

WordPress 3.2: What’s new?

WordPress 3.2 is now available, we summerise the 3 best features of this new version

How secure is your WordPress website?

From an end user perspective here are some ideas to look out for to ensure that your web site is well looked after

We Love WordPress - WordPress Logo in a Heart

WordPress plugins

WordPress plugins, they make our work as developers much quicker and in turn websites are less expensive for our customers. Here are some that we’ve started using recently.

WordPress Security

Over the weekend I came across a new resource on the topic that I had not seen before, wptavern.com. The reason for stopping by there was a note on twitter that mentioned there was a post about wordpress security. After reading it I’ve bookmarked it to ensure that the steps are implemented with each new…

Automate newsletter signups with Mailchimp & Gravity Forms

Integration between WordPress and MailChimp is easy to do. There are a number of different methods, to get the two systems talking, our preferred is to use the Gravity Forms Plugin, read on to discover what it can do.

Why specialise in wordpress?

It is true, here at The DMA we love WordPress. We use it for 100% of our own web site properties, and we also use it exclusively for our client work. So, what is it? WordPress started life as a blogging tool but now it is very well regarded as a complete content management system,…

Designing for wordpress? – Part II

If you have arrived here without reading part 1, you might like to start there. In this post we look at the functionality that is available with wordpress plugins so that when you’re designing for wordpress you have more of an idea of what is possible and what to include in your design that is…

Designing for wordpress?

While wordpress is very flexible it’s worth having a few things in your mind when doing the site design. We commonly work with external graphic designers who are working for one of our clients or come to us directly to build a wordpress theme for a site they are creating. We have been providing for a…

WordPress post excerpts and custom fields

Here’s a quick tip for our WordPress users. There is a little change in WordPress 3.1 that we found out about today and rather than thinking you’ve gone mad we thought we’d share the solution. I’ve just spent 2 days looking for the missing excerpts and custom fields sections that I use quiet a bit…