Search Engine Optimisation

Optimising images for WordPress websites

We’re going back to basics for this tutorial. Learn how to setup an image for display on your site. And why this is central to the performance of your WordPress website.

The way SEO is delivered as a service is broken

The way that many companies deliver SEO services is a broken model. In this post we walk through an example, you might even have lived this yourself. It should not be SEO OR content marketing, we believe both strategies work together. Read on for thoughts.

3 reasons why you should run a WordPress blog for your small business

“You need to run a small business WordPress blog”. Advice that you hear all the time. In this article we leave the B.S. behind and get into the facts of why it’s so important. Or is it? You’ll have to read and find out!

How to structure your WordPress content for SEO success

When writing new content for your WordPress blog, it’s hard to remember all the things you should do to ensure the best SEO techniques are in place. In this blog post I share the simple process that I follow.

SEO: Develop a keyword strategy

Developing a keyword strategy for your WordPress website is not complex but something that should be done if you’re serious about gaining a better ranking with the likes of Google and Bing