Peter Shilling
Peter is very active in the WordPress ecosystem and community and regularly speaks at the Sydney WordPress Meetup.
Peter is on the organising committee for WordCamp Sydney and was co-organiser of Genesis Camp in 2015.
He has been actively involved in the IT and domain name industries since 1995. During this time, he has been the founder or co-founder of a number of businesses and completed a number of mergers and acquisitions.
In 1999 he founded TPP Internet, one of the leading domain name registrars (by market share) and web hosting companies in Australia.
Whilst Managing Director at TPP, Peter secured contracts to service many top 100 Australian companies, including Telstra, Australia Post, News Limited, Lend Lease and NineMSN. He completed the business acquisition of Netnames Australiasia and oversaw the the successful acquisition and integration of Hot Goanna, a leading PPC company and (at the time) one of only a handful of Australian companies to be fully qualified Google Adwords Resellers.
TPP achieved registrar accreditation with ICANN and within the .au (Australian), .uk (United Kingdom), .nz (New Zealand), .eu (European Union) and .asia (Asian) domain name spaces.
During this time, Peter also took on the role of Director of auDA (.au Domain Administration) for 3 consecutive 2 year terms.
Peter is The DMA’s technical specialist, but unlike many technical experts, Peter brings big picture vision and entrepreneurial drive to our client’s projects.
As well as working directly on WordPress based projects at The DMA, Peter also oversees our subsidiary (a developer of commercial plugins for WordPress).