Here’s a quick tip for our WordPress users. There is a little change in WordPress 3.1 that we found out about today and rather than thinking you’ve gone mad we thought we’d share the solution. I’ve just spent 2 days looking for the missing excerpts and custom fields sections that I use quiet a bit…
Here’s a quick tip for our WordPress users.
There is a little change in WordPress 3.1 that we found out about today and rather than thinking you’ve gone mad we thought we’d share the solution.
I’ve just spent 2 days looking for the missing excerpts and custom fields sections that I use quiet a bit in WordPress. I first noticed while doing a training session on Skype with a client that they were gone.
Turns out that this is a ‘feature’ of the new WordPress 3.1 – it turns both post excepts and custom fields off in the editing screen. To turn them back on is very simple, just click the ‘Screen Options’ tab that is at the top right corner of your WordPress admin screen and select excerpts and/or custom fields – whichever you need.
Click the screen shot below to view where to do this.
Peter says
Thanks for the tip!
I couldn’t find the customs fields either ;)
Peter Shilling says
Glad to help out!
Emma says
Thanks for this Peter – this is great and very well explained. Appreciate it!