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Fresh website content will lead to success for your WordPress site

In our quest to end website neglect something we see a lot of is a lack of regular content.

It’s completely understandable. Many people are just too busy running their business. Plus, if you’ve recently built a new website, the development time and budget required might make you feel slightly resentful about dedicating even more time to your website.

The hard truth is that websites with fresh, relevant content perform better.

Read on and I’ll convince you!

SEO: Google scores websites based on the freshness of their content

While no-one outside of Google really understand the algorithms used to ranks sites there are a number of well held beliefs. Google scores websites based on the following aspects: freshness by inception date for a page (which decays over time), the amount of change that occurs on a webpage, how frequently changes are being made to your website (the more frequent the changes, the better), new page creation, link growth on a webpage and user behaviour—to name just a few.

Not adding new content on your site is going to fail all of these tests.

Fresh content builds relationships

It would be a mistake to suggest the only reason to regularly update your website with new content is for search engine visibility. As a business, you are also building a brand. If the content on your website is appealing to your audience, this encourages them to return to your site. By creating content that is of interest you are building a relationship. From a marketing perspective, your content has the potential to raise awareness of your product and services and even create advocates for your brand.

Fresh content supports and builds your social media profile

Social media is another of those dirty marketing words for some businesses because it can elicit a sense of guilt. You know you should be doing it and feel guilty that you aren’t. The thing to remember about social media is that it’s social. If you’re posting regular, valuable content, readers will start to share it for you! If they link to your content this also boosts your SEO, which has the potential to create more visitors to your site.

Your website as a work in progress

Once your website is built it’s easy to think of it as complete. If our AssistantPress super heroes hope to change anything, it’s people’s attitudes to their websites. Instead of thinking of your website as complete, it’s more productive to view its existence as fluid or as a work in progress.

Yes, unfortunately this means your website is never finished!

This is not a bad thing. Ideally your website is more than simply a static brochure. It’s a hard working member of your sales team, working tirelessly every day to generate more sales for your business and to help build your brand.

More reading?

These two blog posts go into more detail on some of the topics we have touched on here:

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