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What Can Social Media Do For Your Business?

There is so much talk about social media in the business world. Whether you are on Facebook or keeping your ears on the tweets within your network, or keeping an eye on your favourite Youtube channel, social media is making waves all over the internet. Big brands like Coca Cola, Starbucks, Zappos are investing a lot of money and time. But unfortunately, a recent study have shown that social media is still shunned by many small business. In the past 18 months, 66.5% of most companies have adopted social media and regrettably, some are doing it because it’s the in thing and not necessarily seeing what profit it can do for them. Undeniably, whether you are a small start up business or someone who’s built your company from the brick and mortar way, social media is something your eyes and ears shouldn’t miss. If the giants are using social media, then there must be something special about it. Here are a couple of thoughts I have to help you take a second look and a  different perspective on what social media can do for your business.

1. Fresh source of ideas

Whatever field you may be, social media can be a very good source for up to date, new ideas that can help you to be creative and innovative in reaching out to your target market. When I say fresh, it’s not only limited to Twitter posts, it can be a Facebook update from an authority in your field, a video presentation in Youtube from a competitor or a blog post from a prospect. All of these avenues, can make your company one step ahead of your competition.

Overall, learning from all of these channels will give you the competitive edge that you can use to better position yourself in your market.

2. New contacts, new business

Contacts, clients, followers or fans; no matter what you call them, they are the lifeblood of every business. How many followers you have, how many fans or likes you have on your Facebook page or how many subscribers you have on your feeds does matter!

Numbers command authority, influence, and reach.

To sum it up, social media can give you a different perspective of how you will do business and how to use it to your advantage by simply being always in the know of the trends in your industry. It will help you overcome the culture shock of innovation. It will open up a whole new world of being customer centric.

It may be a big challenge especially for some who are still finding their way out of the social media jungle but we at Digital Marketing Agency, have mastered our craft and have proven time and again the effectiveness of our strategies in helping business achieve their goals.

If you want to grow your business and include social media aspect in reaching out to your industry, contact us! We offer a no-obligation assessment to help understand your need and tailor fit a solution for your company.

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