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Better Google rankings by optimising images for SEO

It might not be widely known but image searches on Google generate a substantial amount of traffic to websites. Optimising images for SEO is quick and easy to do, in this post we present a few simple tips to get you started.

Optimise file names

When saving the file name of the image on your computer, try to use your SEO keywords to improve webpage ranking. For example if using an image of a red apples on a webpage, use more descriptive and keyword rich file name like “red-fuji-apples-on-tree.jpg”. It makes the file name keyword rich and easy for Google to understand. Try to also keep the words in sequence of how one would search for the image. Never user files names like IMG0001.jpg!

Use keywords in alternative text function

Alternative text also commonly known as an Alt tag is the term used to refer to the Alt attribute within an image tag. This provides a clear text alternative to screen reader users.

Using the above example again, when creating an Alt tag simply select the image and a tool bar will appear. Select the pen icon to edit, see below image.

Editing an image in the WordPress editor

Once you have clicked edit, the image details will appear and within the Alternative text box is where you add the unique keyword description for the image, see below image.

How to change the ALT tag of an image in WordPress

It really is as simple as that but also don’t forget to use keywords in the Caption and hit “Save Draft’ so that these changes will be implemented.

Why this is so important

This exercise is a simple way to generate traffic to your website and in turn generate more leads and sales.  When someone searches for the term ‘red apple fuji on trees’ under Google Images and they stumble upon your image. When they select your image, your website information comes up!

Image on Google images when searching for red fuji apple on trees

You have spent enough time creating the perfect post so why not optimise your images for maximum search benefit. Using the steps shown, should take you no more than a few minutes to implement and start to watch your traffic grow.

More WordPress SEO help?

We write regularly about search engine optimisation, specifically for WordPress – visit our archive here to learn more.

Hope you have found these tips and steps useful. Please don’t forget to share or comment if you have any other tips or questions.

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