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The look of your WordPress website impacts on brand and sales

You don’t need to be a graphic designer to maintain your WordPress website. This is one of the many wonderful things about opting for WordPress—this CMS allows you to easily add new pages and posts, as well as featured images, without much fuss.

WordPress sites are built using Themes. Themes control the branding and layout for your website. It may be that you’ve built your own bespoke theme from scratch to exactly suit you. Perhaps you’ve used an existing theme and been able to tweak it to your needs.

Whichever path you’ve chosen, the longer term challenge is in maintaining the look and feel of this Theme and the content you publish inside of it. We regularly see a lot of businesses go wrong in this respect. When they start adding new pages and posts, they neglect to stick to high quality of content layout that was there when the site was launched. The end result? A website that can look poorly laid out, messy, inconsistent and to put it bluntly, a bit like a dog’s breakfast.

A website that lacks consistency impacts on brand and sales

This has far greater implications on your business than a lot of people first realise. From a marketing perspective, your website reflects your company’s brand. You start diluting your brand with a website that demonstrates a lack of consistency in its appearance. That’s where you can start to run into trouble. Customers may begin to view your brand in a negative light. They might also wonder about the quality of your products and services.

A website that lacks consistency also has the potential to directly impact on sales enquiries. As well as communicating your brand, your website acts as a sales tool. If your website’s appearance is lacking, potential customers are less likely to pick up the phone or make an online enquiry.

It doesn’t seem fair does it? You could be the best at what you do but because your website doesn’t look quite right, customers think less of you. You’re an expert at your business, not at websites or WordPress.

Give your WordPress site the focus it deserves

When you first built your site, like most you probably poured over every detail. When you’re maintaining it, you should have the same focus. Care about what each and every page looks like. Go to the trouble of illustrating your content with a photo. Pay attention to the layout of your copy.

If you’re a DMA client chat to us if you need help in laying out content in WordPress. We’re available to do this for you if that’s your preference or at least give you some extra training or quick tips to keep your site looking its best.

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